Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Going to Comic-Con (Han) Solo

So I got this crazy idea to go to Comic-Con this year. It was a great excuse for me to take advantage of my short red hair, and buy a black widow costume. I wasn't all too sure if I was a Black Widow fan, but I have to say putting on that costume kind of converted me.

I took my little boy with me on Thursday. You want to know what's weird? Stepping into a bathroom on a train in normal street clothes, and then stepping out dressed in a cat suit with knee high boots. I almost didn't want to open that door because how do you not draw attention? At least I had little Iron Man by my side.

 On the first day I went right after work. I tried to pull off the Winter Soldier look with the straight hair parted down the middle. A look I didn't find attractive on Scarlet Johanson in the movie, and a look I don't find attractive on myself either. But it worked for that quick run to the convention that day. Plus some guys asked to get a pic with me that day and as I walked away they said, "Dude, that was the hottest one so far." Why thank you! ;)

We had some fun times at the convention. A lot of people complimented our costumes. Someone even said nice Cosplay. I couldn't believe my costume passed for cosplay.

I bought my little guy a light saber and he had an epic battle on the train platform after the con.

Then came the big day. . .Saturday. I planned on going all by myself. And even though my introverted self sort of wanted to stay in, I put on my costume, curled my hair, pulled out the fake eyelashes and headed to Comic-Con. I had some decent motivation. . .

That's right! I got to meet Chris Evans. Though he's not the real Captain America, he's as close as one can get right? And if you read my post about Captain America, you'll understand the significance of this meeting. That movie, and that superhero, have come to be really special to me. By the way, Chris Evan's is quite thin. I was shocked when I put my arm around him. I think my thigh is as big as his waist.

Well up until I met up with my friend and took a pic with Chris Evans. I wandered around, held some snakes, took a picture with some pirates, you know pretty normal everyday stuff ;)

Then I hung out with my friend for a little bit after that. I'm so grateful to my friend that got me in for the pic. I haven't seen her since Jr. High. She is seriously an awesome person! And I had so much fun hanging out with her, and catching up.

And that was my Comic-Con experience. It was quite fun, and I really liked dressing up as Black Widow. That totally rocked! I felt awesome!

Sometimes being alone is doable. Sometimes I force myself to get out and enjoy things even though I don't have someone with me right now-- he's a little preoccupied at the moment. Then there are days when you just want a conversation. You just want someone there with you to help you finish painting your room, or to enjoy a convention with.

It's crazy! I try to just seek happiness in myself. I know that a change of circumstance won't bring true happiness. It just brings on different joys and different trials. But there's still a drive, you just can't ignore, to be with someone, to have a partner. And no one can take the place of that partner. I have wonderful friends and family, but even surrounded by them can't fill that void.

Not to mention there's just nothing like talking with my guy. The focus and attention he gave me can't be matched. Not to mention how fulfilling it was to discuss things with him. I miss that the most. I miss having a conversation with him. I know he's not in a place to have one of those conversations right now. He truly has a lot to deal with. But I'm just working on being patient, at peace, and listening to the Lord and following his guidance. He finds ways to ease that burden of loneliness, and I am grateful for those times when he has blessed me in that way.

Have a lovely night everyone!

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