Sunday, July 5, 2015

My Captain America

I've always been a DC Comics girl. I've mentioned this before. DC Comics had more influence in my childhood, and so they are a little more nostalgic for me. It wasn't until high school that I started venturing into Marvel Comic's characters a little more. And it took me a while to warm up to them. I had to dip my feet into the Marvel pool and test the water before I was willing to consent to the fact that these heroes were just as interesting as my dear DC friends. That's why I was shocked when I grew so fond of the dear Mr. Captain America.

Memorial Day: Headed to the new Avenger's Movie with my boys. Look at all those Captain America fans. 

Granted my first introduction to him was the recent movies. I know I'm not that cool. But I found myself very drawn to him. His personality was very similar to another favorite of mine, Superman, but there is still just something different. For one I think the time period he is from makes him more fascinating to me. And even though he really isn't that fantastic as far as powers go, I just really like him.

Truth be told the Captain seems to represent something very important to me. In the midst of everything coming crashing down in my life. In midst of me feeling weighted down, and being pulled underwater and trying my best to kick, paddle, swim and stay afloat through all the emotions and stress. In the midst of all this I saw a movie about a hero who did the right thing. Not because he had the power, but because he wanted to do the right thing. And he had this conviction deep down inside that he would always do the right thing no matter what. Something about that stuck out to me. Something about that just meant so much to me. And. . .well. . .now Captain America just means so much more to me.

Art City Days here in Town. 

I changed my hair up a little later in the day, and someone stopped me and showered me with compliments on how cute it looked. It was super sweet! The victory roll is fun but I can feel self conscious at times when I wear it. 

My dear guy, wonderful as he is, is not a fan of the Captain at all! You should hear the lovely speech he has prepared for how ridiculous and annoying this super hero is. And I still get a little smirk from his reaction when he overheard me tell my boys that I needed to find Captain America so I could marry him. But even so I have told him why the Captain means so much to me, and he graciously respects this. He doesn't agree with it, but he respects it.

Even so my Captain America still stands tall as one of my favorite heroes, and I gladly sport his symbol whenever I can because it gave me something to hold on to. He was a life preserver that helped me stay afloat, and have hope for just a little bit longer until I could see the light.

Happy Fourth Everyone! We had a lovely day full of family, food and fireworks by the pool. 

So I finally got myself a Captain America Shirt for Mother's Day, and I have had fun sporting it at Various events. I like to do a lovely victory roll, or 1940's hair do when I do in honor of the Cap and just to help jazz the shirt up a bit. I bought it in the boys department so it isn't all that flattering. Besides, the 1940's hair is just a load of fun anyway.

We had so much fun celebrating our nations birthday. This is one of my favorite holidays! And this year, wearing my Captain America shirt and styling my hair all crazy, helped me remember another freedom I've been learning to allow myself to have: the freedom to just be myself, and that who I am is OK.

Happy 4th of July everyone!

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