Sunday, April 24, 2016

She's Got the Look!

I got a compliment today on my style. The part that got me was when the person said, "I could never pull it off. " Truth is I never could either. I just do. Make sense? No? OK I'll try and explain.

I lost my style somewhere down the crazy road I was traveling the last 7 years. I don't know what happened. Part of me let it get shamed out of me. And then part of me just resigned from putting effort into myself because it didn't feel worth it. And part of me was convinced it was something I just couldn't "pull it off" either. I swore myself to boring t-shirts and jeans. I even walked away from my crazy, fun shirts because I thought I had to.

But that was then this now! After dating a man who confidently dressed the way he wanted for each occasion, regardless of the criticisms that came from the culture(somewhat), I was inspired. I started turning back to my old ways. And, better yet, I was making those fashion choices I never dared too because I was afraid I would stand out too much. It took some time but I eventually got used to the stares, the looks and the questions of "Where are you going? Do you have a party, or something, tonight?"

It's hard because I don't like attention, all that much. But I learned to love it, and the best part is that people usually compliment me on my outfit. Actually no, the best part is I feel like I'm truly making a statement of who I am every time I go out!

It's surprisingly simply too. Once you try it you'll be surprised how effortless it really can be. All it usually takes is about one, or two simple accessory choices to really make an outfit pop! Most the time you can find things you already have. The trick is to wear that thing that makes your outfit look fun, but you just aren't quite daring enough to put on. Dare yourself! Do it! You'll be surprised at the results. I promise! All it took for me was the courage to wear those fun things I thought were too over-the-top for everyday wear. But it's not about fitting in. It's about being happy with how I look, and who I am!

I wasn't really able to pull this stuff off either, until I told myself that that wasn't true. It doesn't matter if I'm a mom, dressing this way isn't too fussy and it doesn't take that much longer to do something fun with my hair. I just had to decide that these things were within my reach, and not some far off thing I didn't deserve.

Come on! Don't be afraid to give it a try. Don't be afraid to look good for YOU!!!

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