Sunday, March 20, 2016

It's Not Over. . .

. . .until the redhead gets a selfie.

I took the opportunity to enjoy a couple operas that have been on my list of  "shows I must see" for a while. Since finding a partner, who will agree to go to an opera of all things, can prove to be a challenge. I just took myself. I'm enjoying learning to do things on my own. I don't want to miss out on new experiences just because I can't find someone to attend with me. I let that hold me back from too many things already.

The first one was Turandot. I wanted to see this one because it contains one of my favorite songs "Nessun Dorma". I saw this one at a Cinemark theater. It was broadcast from the Met in New York. The set was amazing, and the music was beautiful. The plus to viewing an opera this way is that you get to sneak a selfie with Deadpool and enjoy some kettle corn. Yum!

My second trip to the Opera was a little more formal. I attended a local production of Aida. I happened upon a ticket, and decided to take myself, and my grandma's hat, to down town Salt Lake to enjoy the show.

I ran straight from work to catch the train. I had to change and get ready in the train bathrooms. If I thought walking into the train bathroom and emerging in my Black Widow costume for Comic-con was awkward, going into the bathroom and emerging in a formal proved to be just as awkward-- if not more so.

If you have ever listened to Opera Babes-- they are amazing by the way-- you may have heard the song "Vittorial" from Aida. This was the song that first sparked my interest in Verdi's famous opera. Now, you won't hear this song sung in the opera itself-- a bit of a disappointment. But you get to hear the melody, and the opera is still beautiful.

My poor dress got dragged along the streets of Salt Lake as I searched for Capital Theater. It's been a while since I've seen a show there, and I had forgotten exactly where it was. My feet were not too happy with me either. Of course, they never are when I where those heels. Darn you black pumps! Why are you the only thing that matches?

I have learned to just enjoy going to things on my own. I have gotten used to the reaction I get at restaurants when I ask for a table for one. I have learned to enjoy the moments to sit in the mall food court and type away on my book, instead of longing for someone to have a fun conversation with. And I come to enjoy some of the freedoms that come from just getting out on my own, and not being limited by needing to wait for someone to go with. But going to Aida, by myself, took some extra effort. But I did it. It was hard, but I made it. And because I did so I got to enjoy a new experience and see a show I have been wanting to see for years. And the show was beautiful Yes the experience was grand. Almost missing the last train out, and not being sure if I'd be able to hook up with the train headed back to Provo, was not so grand. But, good news, I did make the train. And I had my Mom on stand by in case I didn't-- another disadvantage to going alone. Thanks Mom for being willing to come and get me!

I also gave myself another challenge. I made myself try auditioning for plays again. I did not want to. I really did not want to. But auditioning wasn't as scary as wondering what might have happened had I auditioned. So I gave it a go. I mean I love singing. I really do. And I'm sad that my nerves, and my fear of rejection have kept me from sharing my love of singing with the world. So I have tried to work harder on being comfortable performing in front of people. And I decided to audition for a show in an attempt to try and not hide my talents in the sand.

The audition did not go as planned. It was alright, but not as great as I had hoped. But hey, good news, my cat came back that night. I really did miss my furry little selfie partner.

*Sigh* I don't know if I'll ever get to the point where I can sing for people, the way I sing in the shower. As long as my little heart loves to sing, I guess I'll keep trying. :)

It's not over till the fat lady sings, and it's definitely not over for me. I have a lot to experience. I have a lot to learn. And I am trying to not let things hold me back from enjoying those experiences and learning those lessons.

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