Friday, May 12, 2017

Take 3 Inches. . .

It was January 1-- I know, I know, cliche New Years Resolution-- when I decided to take on a challenge. I have dieted before. I have lost weight before. I have managed to maintain a weight that I am happy with. But I always let things stand in my way of really taking it to the next level.

Things I'd tell myself like:

  • Oh, I'm just not that type of person.
  • I'm not capable of achieving anything like that.
  • My body is just built a certain way
And. . .

  • My body is just messed up from having babies.
But I have seen some friends embark on their own fitness challenges. And what struck me most was not the physical transformation, but the mental transformation as well.

Challenges, no matter what they are, are always going to shape us. Taking something that we have always convinced ourselves is unattainable and then attaining it does remarkable things for the mind, body and soul.

I didn't want to sell my self short any longer. I wanted to become stronger, faster and better. I wanted to feel more capable-- something very important to a single mom. So I gave myself a challenge.

Starting on January first-- so I guess technically a New Years Resolution-- I decided to exercise an hour a day, 5 days a week and watch what I eat a little bit better. Here are the results.



It is crazy to look in the mirror and think, "Does that really belong to me?" I had some goals to help keep me on track-- like a GORUCK event and an overnight hike coming up. But I really don't want this to be about goals. I want it to be a lifestyle-- which is also why I didn't want to place it in the New Years Resolution category. I want to work hard to keep this up. I love how I look. But mostly. . .I LOVE HOW I FEEL!!!

I got rid of my scale after my third baby, so I don't have any numbers for you. I like it better that way though. I have had to measure my waist a couple of times, per request of friends getting me a gift, and I think I had lost 3 inches. I'm not really sure. But like I said. This is how I like to do it. I obsessed about the scale way too much. It was causing so much stress. I just like saying, "Hey these pants are feeling tight again, it's time to watch what I eat a little better," and then looking in the mirror and seeing results instead of being stressed by a number that isn't changing as fast as I want it to.

Now I'm not going to lie, sometimes I look in the mirror and don't feel any skinnier. Sometimes I see that my clothes are way baggier but just can't see how my body looks all that different. But how I feel? That's what counts. I feel stronger, I feel better. I can take my kids out and carry them on my back without tiring out quickly. I am more capable at lifting and moving things around the house. Exercises that were hard are becoming easier. It feels GREAT!!! I feel more comfortable out in public. I feel more confident. I just feel good!

I wish I could upload the video I made so that it could do the explaining for me. But blogger says it is too large-- whatever! So instead I will show you some pictures. Please try not to cry. Sometimes I want to cry, so its OK. I just wanted to try and show the issue I have with excess skin from my twins. 

These pictures are a little older, but not too much older. It was maybe a month or two ago. I wanted to share this because, even as I get myself into better shape, the shape of my body remains unique. Having this excess skin was part of what held me back. It made me think my body wasn't worth putting much more effort into it. The skin was always going to be there so whats the point. So instead of trying to hide it in shame I just started embracing it. Maybe I don't have a perfectly flat smooth tummy. Maybe I still get discouraged when clothing clings to my tummy so unattractively. But my body is unique. It has it's own unique story that tells about all the amazing things it has done. Is it hard to look in the mirror sometimes? Yes. But not because I'm ashamed. Sometimes it's just hard because I morn for my body and the sacrifice it had to make. I guess it seems kind of like a pity party, but for me it's solemn respect, a moment of silence and maybe a tear or too. I wear this badge proudly, even though it isn't necessarily beautiful to me, it's unique. 

My advice to you is to look at yourself, and see where you are putting the "I can't's" into your life. What is holding you back? You don't have to set some outlandishly crazy goal. I have four kids, I work full time and I have a house to take care of. I didn't pick some crazy exercise and diet routine I knew would wear me down. I picked something doable, something attainable, something that fit well with me. And I have seen results. So don't look at the impossible, look at how you can make what feels impossible possible. And if what you choose happens to be about getting in shape and loosing weight, well learn to love your body for all that it is, in all stages. Your body is yours, it isn't anyone else's. It won't be perfect in every area, but the improvements will still be outstanding! And how you feel on the inside will be the best part! 

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