Tuesday, June 28, 2016

June 9th, 2016

What does June 9th, 2016 mean to you? Apparently it was Donald Duck Day. Or perhaps you celebrated it as National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day-- that would be a pretty good way to celebrate. Maybe you decided to march with the writers in their triumph because apparently it is also Writer's Rights Day. However you celebrated June 9th, whether it was significant or just an average day, I thought I'd share my story of the events that took place, on June 9th, in my life.

Truth be told June 9th wasn't really a day set aside for my celebration. No, in fact it was a celebration for a friend of mine: Alec Offenberger. You can find out about him here. I am going to give a basic run down of what it was he did, even though that makes me insanely uncomfortable-- I hate speaking for other people, especially when I'm not sure if I can tell the story right.

So my friend, Alec, took an 8 and 1/2 month journey across the United States, on his bicycle. Why? To raise awareness for the Mercury One Charity, and the Never Again is Now Campaign.

Pretty incredible right! I know that was super basic. Seriously, just click on the link. He tells his story better than I ever could. And It really is an incredible story. It was certainly enough to catch my eye. See I didn't even know about Alec Offenberger until he was featured on Glen Beck. The article popped up on my Facebook news feed, and something about his picture just. . .struck me. I can't really explain why, but for some reason I decided to message him. This message led to other messages, which eventually got replies, which led to conversations, and so on. . .

I still can't believe he even took the time to reply to me. He was getting emails and messages from all over. It still blows my mind. As we were writing each other I was hoping our paths might cross. At the time I first messaged him he was cycling through Texas. But unfortunately he wouldn't be coming up to my neck of the woods. It was probably best just to let it go. But then what kind of story would that be, right?

When he posted that on June 9th, he would be arriving on the west coast, and that a party would be held in his honor that everyone was invited to attend, I just got this crazy idea. What if I went to L.A.? Crazy right? Well it just so happened that it might be quite possible.

See last year I purchased tickets to go to Newark, NJ in September. It was so I could go see my, then, boyfriend, who was supposedly out there dealing with a family crisis. Well when I told him I had got this amazing deal on plane tickets, to come and see him, guess what he did? He got mad at me. Yep! So I cancelled the tickets, but I couldn't get my money back. I could only re-reserve the tickets for another time and place. And only I could use the tickets. I couldn't change the name on them.

So why not? I mean, I had to use the tickets within a year. Why not use them now? Could I really pull it off? Could I really go down to L.A.? It seemed insane, but I just decided to go for it. And then everything just fell into place. My family and friends where all there to back me up. And everyone just pitched in and helped me make the trip happen. It was awesome. And somewhat terrifying.

Lets do this!

So I did it. I flew to L.A. I think I almost wanted to vomit the minute I stepped off that plane. I was shaking, and I was totally freaked out! What was I thinking?

Thankfully my friend sweetly texted me supportive messages as I made my way through the airport to the car rental place. . .then from the car rental place to the party. . .then from the place my phone told me the party was at to the place the party was actually at. . .yeah I was kind of freaking out.

Humidity killed my hair.

But as soon as I got there everyone was so warm and welcoming. Alec and his family were just so kind. And they just took me in, and helped me out.

Me at the ocean! I haven't seen the ocean in over 10 years!

It just sort of made me laugh. My original purchase for these tickets was received with anger and rejection. But this time my trip plans were greeted with warm welcomes and offers to help me find a place to stay and to let me tag along on some fun activities. The experience was remarkable! Top notch! Nothing compares! I wouldn't change a thing! I learned more about myself and just how spontaneous, crazy and maybe a little brave I can be. And I met some wonderful people.

I am truly not smart enough for this rental car.

I got to spend the next day and a half-ish with Alec, and his family. I have gone back and forth on what exactly I want to write here. What happened was just so unexpected, crazy and wonderful I still don't know if I can fully process it all. Part of me just wants to shout it from the roof tops. But part of me just wants to keep it to myself. Perhaps it is just too special and sacred to share. I don't know. Maybe someday. But for now the details are just for me.

All I can say is I am glad I met Mr. Offenberger. He's an incredible person, and I've enjoyed getting to know him. I think what I liked most of all was that I didn't have to try to be anything I'm not. So many times I feel like guys try to make me into their "real life fantasy". They see me, but they only see the parts they like. Then they just ignore rest, or pretend it's not important. I don't like being seen that way. I like everything about me-- for the most part. And if someone can't handle all of me then we're probably not going to be the closest of friends. I feel like, Alec just saw me. He didn't try to put blinders on. He just let me be myself, and who I was was enough. I can't explain it. But it's just one of the awesome things about this guy.

Fun in Calabasas!

Sadly the time to part inevitably came. I don't believe either of us were very happy to say goodbye. What I wouldn't give to have had more time to spend getting to know this awesome guy. What I still wouldn't give to have some more time. I wish I could just go redo those two days over and over. Only this time I wouldn't be reserved, anxious or holding back. But life is made up of experiences. There's no point in regretting what couldn't be. It happened the way it did for a reason. One day God will have a good time sitting back, with an "I told you so" expression on his face, as I realize just exactly what that reason is-- that seems to happen to me a lot.

So I made my way back to the airport to catch my flight back home. It's funny that just two days ago I was getting off the plane, in L.A., so full of nerves I couldn't wait till I was headed safely back home. Well now it was time to head home, and all I wanted to do was stay. Life is funny that way. I forced myself to head back to my reality. But now I didn't go back empty handed, no. I had learned something new about myself, I had made some new friends, had some new experiences and, most importantly, I had a good story to tell.

Who knows? Maybe one day our paths will cross again. Alec, Is an impressive person. I have no doubt that he'll leave, and has left, an impression wherever he goes. He certainly impressed me.

Congrats Alec! What you have accomplished is truly extraordinary! And thanks for helping me find the courage to take a chance on myself. Me coming out there had significant meaning for me in so many ways!

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