Sunday, May 17, 2015

There's Something You Should Know. . .

Something you should know about me is: I love Karaoke!

Another thing you should know: if you ever join me for karaoke you may be shocked.

Once I break the ice I start coming out of my shell, and I just enjoy my love for singing and having fun. And, by the way, karaoke is crazy fun! Especially with these ladies:

Oh yeah! We had a blast!

And then there was the butter portion of the evening

"I can't believe its not butter"? Nope. More like, "I can't believe she's eating butter!" This lovely young lady was mistaken for eating butter when you was eating a pineapple spear. Perhaps it was her shirt that help secure a subliminal mislead. Either way it was hilarious and we got a photo up to remember it by.

Thank you ladies for the lovely night!!!

There Are No Shortcuts. . Just Short Haircuts

I tried to fight it. You know that urge? That urge to make some sort of drastic change to your hair when you have ended a relationship. Well, I just got divorced. That's a huge end of a relationship, and I had the urge to make drastic changes alright, but I resisted. Why? Because I have learned from cutting my hair short or getting bangs that I always end up annoyed and feeling limited.

Well I was watching Imitation Game, as well as a mother of 4 can watch a movie that doesn't have superheroes or colorful singing characters in it. And I got the urge. I saw these cute 1940's woman, pulling of this cute 1940's look. And guess what? Their hair is short. Well maybe it's my love for the 40's and 50's and my forever want to mimic that style. Or perhaps it's my boyfriends same love for these era's and the classic beauty that they hold. Whatever the reason I couldn't resist any longer. So I impulsively ran around town after my cleaning appointments and searched for someone who could cut my hair then and there. The reason for this? Not only does something impulsive have to be impulsive. But I was super excited about showing my guy the big surprise when we had our date that Monday.

See he works Friday-Monday. And since he works so far away, and doesn't have service while he's there, I am usually unable to see or talk to him for these four days. It's not my favorite thing. And this weekend I was surely missing him something terrible. I guess the thought of making a drastic change and surprising him just felt fun and exciting and sort of helped to pass the time.

So I did it. . .

Ahhhhh. . .what was I thinking? OK so like 3-4 inches of the hair they chopped off was ugly and scag looking and full of split ends. But still. . .what was I thinking?

I style it in a hurry because I have to meet my cousin really soon.

Ok it's not bad, but I don't love it. But still a 1940's bob is going to require 1940's styling and I'll have to play around with that later.

Fun at the museum with my cousin

And fun getting to see her adorable little baby. I may steal her one of these times.

The children crying and throwing fits because its closing time. Why don't we come here more?

The next day I try styling my hair with some rollers to see what fun that brings. Well guess what? It just goes into a bob again. Grrr. . .I feel so ugly. I have boring non sexy hair now. I decide this simply will not do, so I look up tips on styling 1940's hair, and I have a go at it. Finally I find some relief.

And right after I finish styling it I get a huge SURPISE!!!
My man calls and says he's on his way to see me!!!!


I was beyond excited!!!

I was missing him terribly and was really struggling with having to get through one more day. So he gets to see my new hair surprise one day early and properly stylized.

"It looks quite lovely!" He says. He's such a charmer!

P.S. I am not the only one excited to see him

P.P.S. Look at my cute little boy who made a "C" with his cookie. You know? "C" for cookie. Yeah it's random, but it happened that same day and it's cute.

So I still miss the long hair, and I am just not in love with short hair. But I am having fun.

P.S. Those pics earned me the nickname of "Pin Up Girl". This isn't the first time someone has given me that nickname.

The Story About the Dress

For my guy's birthday I bought him tickets to the Utah Symphony's Production of Peter and the Wolf because it is one of his favorite pieces of music. By doing so I got a lesson on just how much I need to bring my "A" game when it comes to dressing for the occasion. I used to dress up more so than I thought other people would dress up, but not so much that I would stick out like sore thumb. My guy dresses for the occasion itself, and how he wants to present himself and show his respect regardless of how he may stand out. This has been an interesting challenge for me. I put on dark jeans and a nice shirt and he shows up in dark jeans, a collared shirt, a vest and a hat. So I add some nice jewelry to my outfit the next time and he adds a sports coat to his ensemble. It has been quite an interesting experience and one that often leaves me changing because, "I need to look like belong walking next to you." He always replies, "You look fine dear." And then he tells me that he doesn't care what I wear. But in all honesty I have had fun taking on the challenge of feeling appropriately dressed according to the occasion and according to whatever he may be wearing. And I have had so much fun adding those daring little touches to my outfits that I never had the guts to try before. But now that I have tried them I find them to be fun and exciting and they bring on compliments from strangers for both him and me. I didn't realize how much I missed playing with accessories and scarves. It was something I really enjoyed before I got married. But I think I slowly let myself get shamed for what little overdressing I did do, and then I slowly started to do less and less until I almost forgot that getting dressed up was something I truly enjoyed.

But even me with my "fine" dressing skills (feel free to laugh) found the Symphony outing to be quite a challenge. I asked him what I should wear. He chose things that were suitable for an evening at the symphony. This production happened to be a short afternoon show. The production also happened to be in March. A lot of his choices may have worked fine had it landed in winter months, but since it was a spring month I felt I needed something with lovely spring colors. So now how do I find a dress that screams spring and is still formal enough for his standards for the symphony. By the way, this whole time he said he didn't care what I wore, and it was up to me. But I still wanted  his input and wanted him to like what I chose to wear.

Well he offered to take me dress shopping. I tried on several dresses, him liking ones that I felt were better suited for evening, and me liking ones that he felt looked lovely but were not formal enough for the occasion. Well we finally found a little white number that we both agreed looked great, and was formal enough. But this dress was sleeveless. A tiny complication when you are an endowed LDS woman.

No problem. I have worked with stuff like this my whole life. I kind of consider it a talent of mine ;). So I'm in Wal-Mart and I start looking at the bolero's they have. I find one that I feel will work. I send him a picture. . .

. . .and he says he feels that it just isn't formal enough for the dress. I go through a phase of frustration and a mood of not wanting to try and find something else because getting out to the store with four boys is just no fun. And my guy continues to say that he doesn't care what I wear and I don't even have to wear the white dress.

So I try and rack my brain on things I may have that would work. I decide to just try teaming it up with a bolero I already have. And I send a picture to him. . .

He loves this one and feels it's perfect. But I like the pop of color the pink added. But this combo does look better than I had originally thought it would. So I try it on, along with the pink one. While wearing the white bolero I feel like I'm in some sort of "post wedding bride leaving for her honeymoon" dress. And I still like the pink one better. So I keep wining. I try on both for my guy hoping he will just say, "You're right the pink looks very nice, and it doesn't look as informal as I thought it would."

Yeah that didn't happen.

So I finally just stop being stubborn, and making things impossible and I go to Urban Wear and purchase another bolero. Urban Wear is a great place to find boleros in any color by the way. And I send him a picture. . .

. . .and finally we both agree.

And of course we enjoyed a lovely afternoon at the symphony. And I had fun researching some new ways to style my hair for the occasion.

My guy even thanked me for putting so much effort into getting ready for a date with him. He found it to be very flattering.

What did I tell you?

I totally have to bring my "A" game with this guy.

I think I have done fairly well at accepting the challenge. And I really have enjoyed being able to do so. It has really brought back a lot of memories of, "Wait. . .I used to love to do this kind of stuff. Why did I stop?"

Kyle was sweet and charming, and took me all over Salt Lake. We even stopped at my brother's grave.

I, of course, took way too many selfies. When you put effort into it, feel you look adorable and for some reason don't feel you have fully captured that, you can get a little obsessed. What can I say? I'm pretty vain.