Sunday, April 6, 2014

Viva Las Vegas!

This last week found me in the city of Las Vegas. Those who know me well know this is my absolute favorite place to go. I've visited family there since I was little. I have always loved getting to visit my family members, and I have always loved the city. To this day the smell of cigarette smoke triggers happy memories in my brain. And if you ever travel with me there be prepared to sing "Viva Las Vegas" as you come up over the hill to see the lights start flooding the valley.

One year, around the age of 10 or so, I cried as we made our departure from the city. Ever since than I've cried every time I leave. I'm not sure why. I really don't want to live there. I enjoy many things about my life as it is, but still I'm always sad to say, "Goodbye."

I guess somewhere, somehow, Vegas became a part of me. It's hard when I visit these days though. It's not the same that it once was. The part of me that grew up with it, loves it and always looks forward to visiting it, is slowly realizing Vegas may betray me one day and become a place I hate.

This is partly because Vegas is stepping away from being the Vegas it was when I was little. It now promotes the side that's an adult playground, and that includes promoting everything I hate(will not stand on soap box at this point, but if you ever want to have a long conversation about it let me know). But another part has to do with a more personal aspect. Last time I was in Vegas was May of 2011. The year 2011 was not the happiest year of my life-- and that's a terrible understatement. Looking back on that trip isn't something I'm willing to do in great detail. The memories from that time all just feel like lies, which makes it hard to believe any happiness I might have felt.

But I still love my Las Vegas. I love it as something that is a part of me. It was there before marriage and kids, and before all the things that happened. Therefore it's a kind of an anchor for me, even with it's ever changing face. I know that sounds weird, but that's what makes it something I need to hang on to. It is now the source of happy memories and sad one's. But I need to fight for the happy one's. They are more important.

To add to the enjoyment of Vegas I discovered a Godfather's Pizza just outside the city, at a gas station. Can you believe it? Can anyone say delicious? I haven't had this since I was little. Hello dear Cinnamon Streusel, where have you been and why did you EVER leave?

I definitely enjoyed my memories from this trip! Thank you to all my wonderful family who made this trip so fun and special!

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