Sunday, August 10, 2014

Doing God's Work

Here I am on a Sunday afternoon, stealing a sweet moment with my kids while working on handouts for a birth class. I find myself enjoying these moments with a lot less guilt lately, and that makes me happy. I hope I'm not shirking my responsibilities too badly, but I'm still just glad I can enjoy a moment.

I'm also trying to enjoy this moment to sit down and blog for a minute. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't spend so much time recording my experiences and thoughts on a blog. But than I think that in reality I'm recording my personal history, and the history of my family. That's not a bad thing right? Besides most the time when I blog it's because I feel very prompted to right down the thought or feeling I have. Granted sometimes I can be off on that prompting. But I do take it very seriously. Sometimes I sit on it for a few days and see if the direction to write is still there. And I also try to clear my thoughts before I finalize it with words to be sure I'm communicating the lesson I learned as best as I can.

A thought has popped into my head recently. I've watched my Heavenly Father bring several people into my life. I know he's been preparing me for things like this. Some of them were a bit of a shock, mostly because of the timing. Some I pretty much expected. Either way I'm amazed to see Him at work.

As I pondered some of these things I began to get frustrated. I was unclear as to what was supposed to be happening. I was stressed with the situation and where it was at. I was upset with myself that I could be more patient with my life. I started to wish this situation had never been brought about.

Then I thought back to an experience. Perhaps you remember me telling you about the friend I met at the birth retreat. I dropped her off in American Fork. While we were driving she was telling me how prompted she felt to ask me for a ride. She had mentioned this a couple times, but this time it struck me. I then thought, "Then that means I am doing The Lords work." I was already happy to help her out, but when I thought of that I felt an even greater comfort. He had chosen me for a task. I had almost not answered to his call, but then I did. And I was so grateful for having made that choice.

I took that lesson and applied it to the here and now. Heavenly Father has brought these people into my life. He has blessed me with so many wonderful friendships. And now instead of putting my agenda on the situation I need to stop and ask him what it is he wants of me. I know if I do that I will feel at peace no matter what happens. If I strive to bring about my will then I think I will always feel like I left something unfinished. But if I ask him what it is that he would have me do I know I will feel content no matter what the outcome may be.

I'm working hard at this everyday. Trying to figure out the things I need so I can learn and grow and create a better life for myself and my kids. I hope I can continue to listen to my Heavenly Father's promptings and do the things he wants me to do. It's not always easy, but when He asks I know it can be done

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