Sunday, March 30, 2014

Quote's That Struck a Chord

"People who engage in expressive writing report feeling happier and less negative than before writing. Similarly, reports of depressive symptoms, rumination, and general anxiety tend to drop in the weeks and months after writing about emotional upheavals."
From "Writing to Heal"
By: James W. Pennebaker

Sometimes I doubt myself, and doing the things I love. I love writing my blogs, but I also love bringing happiness. Sometimes the those two don't get along. Internal conflict much? It's really hard. I enjoy my writing. I like to use it as an expressive art, and sometimes when I'm told that this should be hidden from the world I get a little sad inside. I feel myself tumbling in confusion as I'm asked to take responsibility for feelings that aren't under my control. But I slowly try to ground myself in my firm belief that I have conversed with my Heavenly Father, sought his counsel and direction and he has directed me on many occasions to write, express and share.

"When troubles fall within your dish,
And things don't tally with your wish:
It's just as well to laugh as cry--
To sing and joke, as moan and sigh;--
For a pound of sorrow never yet
Cancel'd a single ounce of debt."
From "A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier"
By: Joseph Plumb Martin

When I read this quote I really liked it. Which is funny because I can totally see hating it under different circumstances. I just thought it was a good reminder. I'm not one to deny a person their emotions, and getting upset and feeling discouraged are all normal emotions to feel at certain times-- like when someone can't find their lap top that contains 3 weeks of painstakingly completed homework. I think we should feel these emotions, let them wash over us and then release them. I usually ask my Heavenly Father to take them from me. Plus the laughter part reminded me of my dear My Little Pony Pinky Pie, who laughs at the scary things. I've actually found this to be pretty sound advice. 

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