Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Quote That Saved My Life

My friend was trying to host a get together so we could all spend time with her before she moved. She asked us to bring a quote or a book to share. I knew exactly what quote I wanted to bring:

"From the first day of our life until the last, we weave a basket out of the knowledge we accumulate and the judgement we make.  Our basket holds and defines all our experiences. It gives us meaning. Because no baskets are meant for the same purpose, shared experiences fit into some while not others. Some baskets are designed too small or woven too tight for some experiences to fit inside. Others are so loosely woven and open that small, precious things fall through. Each basket holds and defines that which it was designed for.

Only the buyer, Jesus Christ, can say with certainty the purpose of any given basket. All baskets are valuable to him."  --Doug Mendenhall "My Peace I Give Unto You"

I even ran to the nearest book store and bought the book, so I could take it with me. Then the party got canceled, which was incredibly depressing to me. I really love this friend and was looking forward to seeing her, and all the other friends I have made in that group. So I took her the side dish I had prepared for the party, and I gave her the book I bought. Before I did though I typed up the quote here so I could always remember it. This has seriously brought me so much peace and given me so much perspective.

My friend has now moved and it makes me sad almost everyday, almost to the point that I can't even think about it. But she's on to teach and inspire another group of people. I guess I can share her with those in Arizona :). 

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