Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Quote That Saved My Life

My friend was trying to host a get together so we could all spend time with her before she moved. She asked us to bring a quote or a book to share. I knew exactly what quote I wanted to bring:

"From the first day of our life until the last, we weave a basket out of the knowledge we accumulate and the judgement we make.  Our basket holds and defines all our experiences. It gives us meaning. Because no baskets are meant for the same purpose, shared experiences fit into some while not others. Some baskets are designed too small or woven too tight for some experiences to fit inside. Others are so loosely woven and open that small, precious things fall through. Each basket holds and defines that which it was designed for.

Only the buyer, Jesus Christ, can say with certainty the purpose of any given basket. All baskets are valuable to him."  --Doug Mendenhall "My Peace I Give Unto You"

I even ran to the nearest book store and bought the book, so I could take it with me. Then the party got canceled, which was incredibly depressing to me. I really love this friend and was looking forward to seeing her, and all the other friends I have made in that group. So I took her the side dish I had prepared for the party, and I gave her the book I bought. Before I did though I typed up the quote here so I could always remember it. This has seriously brought me so much peace and given me so much perspective.

My friend has now moved and it makes me sad almost everyday, almost to the point that I can't even think about it. But she's on to teach and inspire another group of people. I guess I can share her with those in Arizona :). 

Friday, February 7, 2014

What Can I Say? I Just Love Music!

I've posted about this song on another blog, but seriously my love for it just simply must exceed one post.

Can I just say I LOVE music! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!! And lately I have found myself getting a certain kind of high only music can bring. I've been rediscovering my love for all this music that I have always loved, but it lost it's edge for some reason. But now I'm cruising through my playlist like a mad junkie just taking it all in and not being able to get enough.

When did this all happen? That's a good question. I have always been this way, but I let that part of me fade away for a couple of years. It wasn't until recently that this urge started awakening inside of me. I want to say it started when I saw Frozen and heard "Let it Go". But I actually think it started with my dear friend Pinky Pie. When I let myself get way too into My Little Pony. . .and pick a favorite character. . .a favorite character that seemed to model many of my favorites from shows past. . .I think I let a part of myself re-awaken, a part I thought had to die when I became a mom. A part that thought I could maybe pull back out when I had a daughter and I could share my childhood with her. When that didn't happen I was so saddened. I packed myself away in a box of memorabilia that would never be pulled out to decorate a girls room. Well, then I got tired of not having girly things so I just started buying them for myself, and the funny thing is that my boys are loving living my childhood with me, even if it is the girl stuff.

On another note, I'd say a fun and fancy free night of Karaoke with some ward members also helped. I was completely insistent that I would not be singing that night, but the ladies convinced me. I sat there thinking, "You love singing! Why do you always do this? Oh yeah, it's our old friend empathy. Well turn it off and get your butt up there and sing." And you know what? I did. I sang for almost every song. And when it wasn't me turn I found it was kind of hard to sit down and pass the microphone to someone else. Then after a performance of "Defying Gravity" from Wicked I sat down and my friends leaned over and said, "You need to get back into theater." I did it! I still wasn't able to sing on my own two feet-- I had to have someone with me at all times-- but I sang in front of people. I sang a rather difficult song in front of people, and I did it well enough that they complimented me. I actually did it! This was huge! I'm sure this added to my rediscovering my love for music.

But then we run into this song. I love to sing, like I said, and when I hear a song that speaks to my soul I have to sing it with all the passion I can muster. But what if the song is one that can't be sung, like this one. I wish I could play an instrument, or I wish my dancing skills where more perfected so I could express my passion for these songs too. I feel so inhibited. I wish I could honor this piece of music to the best of my abilities. The only option left is to write about it. So here we are.

I hope this song gives you the lift it gave me.