Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Story of Tricia's Ornaments

I don't have much money. I don't really have all that much to pay bills. This means that there wouldn't be much for getting Christmas gifts this year. I saw a picture of some hand drawn ornaments in a magazine and I thought, "I can do that."

Well, I can kind of do that ;).

Of course, I didn't get started on this till way late, and I really was crunching the deadline to hand them out at my family party, and to even get them out as neighbor gifts. But I finally got them all drawn. I even stayed up till 3:00 AM to go over them with pen. This was all in hopes that I could have them ready for my family party that night. That morning I got up to get ready to head out and take care of my many errands before my family party. I was just about ready to go. I snapped a picture of my completed masterpieces and I went off to finish getting ready.

I then told the kids to go get in the car. I was so excited. It appeared I might actually get this accomplished. We were now ready to head to the copy place to get copies of my wonderful project. So far everything seemed to be working out.

I went to grab my sketch book and this is what I found:

My two year old had decided to do a little artwork of his own.

I was crying and screaming. I couldn't believe the irreversible damage that had been done. I called people to try and find some comfort. It just felt like such an unimaginable loss. I couldn't believe all the time and effort that was wasted. Those couldn't just be lost could they?

Thankfully I have some supportive people in my life.

My dad helped me tape the paper together and I am still working on removing the scribbles.

My ex-husband took the photo and edited it and reprinted the images for me. For which I am so grateful. I have had to go through and re-shade everything, but I don't care.

I finally completed the first set of ornaments on Christmas Day. Tada!

 It's not perfect, but at least those drawings weren't a total loss. I didn't manage to have them ready for the party either. But my mom offered to help me get them all delivered. Hopefully I can get them out to all the people I had planned to give them to. For now I'm just grateful it worked out as well as it did.


  1. The finished products look great!! You are a good artist.... your two year old ISNT a good artist.
    I can't believe it!!! Of all things he could have scribbled on. I would have been furious. :( sorry that happened.

    1. haha! I was incredibly furious! Oh man. . .was I mad at him. Thanks! I still haven't managed to get them out to people. Maybe I'll save them till next year.
