Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Cheesy Post on Loving Christmas and Thoughts on the New Year

 Christmas Jammies! They get them every Thanksgiving.

I have to say I really enjoyed the Christmas season this last year. My only wish is that I could have enjoyed it more. This was the first time in a long time that I found myself extremely sad to say goodbye to the holiday season.

For the past three years the Christmas season was sadly tied together with painful and emotionally traumatic memories. I fought hard to enjoy Christmas, and not just let the joy and happiness of the season fade into bitterness but it was hard to deny some of the sad things surrounding that time of year.
Enjoying the fire at Thanksgiving Point

This year was different. I wrapped the holiday season around myself like a snug little blanket, and just enjoyed the love, energy and wonder that the holidays bring. I then began to ponder on some of the reasons why I love Christmas.

We got our tree up. Yay! 


So I have recently learned a teeny tiny little secret about myself. OK, actually it was kind of a huge chunk of explanation that opened a lot of doors for me. I learned about empathy. It's a trait I have had my whole life. Empathy can be a learned trait, but for me it is much more than that. I actually absorb emotions from those around me-- I'm like an emotional sponge. I know it sounds kind of crazy, but a lot of people have made this discovery, and I have heard it talked about in many different books, lectures and articles. So my whole life I was carrying all sorts of emotions, some that weren't even mine. Now I have learned to give them to Christ, and to also use my empathy more wisely. If you ever see me with a blank stair and my social skills start to diminish it is probably a sign that I am absorbing way too many emotions.

Festival of Trees was so fun with my oldest little guy.

Anyway. . .I realized that at Christmas I feel less negative emotions around me. And it feels amazing. I know that the holidays can be stressful and depressing for a lot of people so it doesn't make complete sense that I would be getting somewhat of a break from my empathy at Christmas time. I don't know what it is, but honestly this time of year feels different to my empathetic self and I just absolutely love it.

P.S. Visiting festival of trees=picking up a lot of emotions. So many touching stories.


Alright I am going to say it here and now, out loud, for all to hear:


I grew up in northern Utah, and have spent my childhood sledding, building snowmen, having snowball fights, you name it. In elementary, at recess time, my friends and would roll up the biggest snowball you have ever seen, and we would jump on it and slide off it. Winter was deemed my favorite time of the year.

As a teenager I of course had to hate everything-- or something like that. I told myself I would move to Vegas when I was older so I didn't have to deal with crazy spring weather in Utah-- beautiful and sunny one day, 2 feet of snow the next, sometimes clear till June. I wanted to see snow at Christmas time and that was all. Well, living in Southern Utah for 6 months changed that. I love Southern Utah, but I found that I enjoyed visiting it more than I enjoyed living there. I had never realized what a blessing it was to have a change of scenery, and how much more exciting that made life for me.

This year we were lacking on snow. In fact it was incredibly, and very unseasonably warm. I kept hoping I would wake up to find that it had snowed a foot or so overnight, and I was always sad to find it hadn't. This made me realize how much snow is a part of my meditative process-- I guess you would call it. I felt out of sorts, I was craving a snow storm. I wanted to go up to Sundance and just roll around in it, and maybe walk barefoot in it for a minute. It would seem I have some sort of connection to the snow. I have made my peace with it. When I am outside in the bitter cold I find it's better not to fight it. Instead I take a deep and just absorb it, and enjoy the different energy the snow brings. Yes, I do sound completely crazy, but seriously snow is seems to be tied into my emotional well being. We finally got snow on Christmas Day, and can I tell you it was seriously magical! It was one of the best Christmas presents EVER!

The boys enjoying the Christmas Day snow fall. They found many proofs that Santa had visited in that snow :).

Ok, so you may possibly be thinking, "Tricia is crazy, and I truly regret ever reading this post." Well, if you are brave enough to continue reading the rest of this post will, perhaps, seem less crazy.


He was so excited about my new Piano Guys CD. "Mom, I like this music. It makes my toe go like this. . ." He then tapped his toe.

It was so hard for me to realize Christmas music had come to an end. I mean the radio stations are really quite unfair about it. They play it every minute of every day up until Christmas and then they just stop completely the day after Christmas. How is one supposed to the stop cold turkey? I need to slowly ween myself off of Christmas Music from the 26th-31st. Otherwise I go into shock. OK, that may be an exaggeration, but I really have a hard time letting Christmas Music time go. And I realized why: For one time of year the music I listen to is beautiful, happy, joyful and uplifting. Do I like every Christmas song out there? No, definitely not. " Mary Did You Know" will just never be anywhere near my favorites list. And, yes, I heard the Pentatonix version. I found it to be very pretty, but it still isn't a favorite. But even if a song isn't a favorite it is still about something happy, beautiful or spiritual. Sometimes it's all three at once. That really helped to boost my spirits. Even if I didn't bring a CD with me I could turn on the radio and be guaranteed that I would at least hear uplifting music even if it wasn't my favorite song ever. After that ended I was really sad. I really struggled to get back into the mode of listening to regular music. Music is really important to me, and it plays a big role in my life. This year I learned why I love Christmas Music so much, and why I start listening to it ASAP. Listening to regular music just isn't the same. I may get the chance to hear something beautiful and uplifting, but in the meantime I have to listen to the latest Taylor Swift song for the 5th time that hour-- not necessarily insulting her music, but when you listen to the radio for 8 hours straight at work its like her music is the only thing they play.


"Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to our life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. . .We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. . .
. . .Thank God he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood."

Mailing letters to Santa and visiting the reindeer at Thanksgiving Point.

I truly love Santa, and yes I do still believe in him. When I was younger, and asked my parents if they were really Santa Claus they told me a story of an elderly man who anonymously left some gifts on the front porch for a very poor family. They explained that Santa was real in a way because anyone could be a Santa when they gave gifts in this way. I didn't understand it when I was little, but I am truly thankful that they taught this to me in this way. It has ended up being the greatest gift ever! I love having Santa be a part of our tradition. I love the joy and wonder I see in my kids eyes when they wake up on Christmas morning. It is just such a joy for me. Even though I went to sleep at 5:00 AM on Christmas Morning I was so overcome with excitement I had to keep myself from waking all the kids up when I heard the first one of them stir awake at 9:30 on Christmas Day! It is just such a joy! :)
Santa even wrote back!

A Christmas Eve Miracle. I pulled up to the house on Christmas Even to find my Christmas Lights were magically turned on. My Dad had come over and plugged them in so the boys could have them on for Christmas. It was AMAZING!

The Season of Gift Giving

One last thing. My love language is gifts, or giving gifts, or something like that. Anyway. . .this time of year is also so great for me because almost everyone is spreading love in the language I best understand. I think that is another reason this season just means so much to me.

Those were my thoughts throughout this holiday season. It truly was a great Christmas for our family. We were on the receiving end of such amazing generosity from so many wonderful people. At times I felt it was unnecessary but I knew this was a gift from my Heavenly Father. And I knew he knew why I needed it more than I may know myself. I am just so grateful to all those who gave to our family. Everything was so much appreciated. And it wasn't too long after that our microwave went out, and we were able to by a new one thanks to all the help we received.

Yes, we had a great Christmas full of Santa letters, drives to look at lights, gifts large and small, music, music and music and wonderful family and friends. I enjoyed some fun things with my kids, and I enjoyed sharing the holidays with those that mean the most to me. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
Ward Parties

Guthrie Family Christmas Party

Christmas Morning

The damage

Temple Square with one of my special little guys

Now onto the New Year. This year doesn't  scare me quite so badly as last year. I have taken a new job and I love the people I work with, and it is really good for our family. I'm trying to keep my cleaning business alive, though it's struggling a bit. But I am proud of what I built, and I want to try and keep it going. I have also had to make some tough decisions about schooling, but hopefully I made the best decision for my family. Who knows what this year will bring to our family. The possibilities are endless!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!! I think this is the closest thing to a Christmas letter as I am going to get this year. Hope you enjoyed!

P.S. I still have my long standing resolution to write a book. I have one that just came to mind not long ago, and boy do I feel a huge nudge to get it written. You never know right? ;)